List of Indicators
of Population Health Indicators
Several groups,
representing different constituencies and purposes have
suggested consensus lists of indicators of community
health. Duhl and Hancock, working in the context of
WHO's Health for All by the year 2000 as expanded through
the Healthy Cities movement, have suggested a list of
"parameters" of community health. In this country,
the National Civic League, in the context of the Healthy
Communities movement, has proposed a set of Basic Need
Indicators (11 dimensions with two or more specific
suggested indicators under each), as a means of assessing
and monitoring community health. And the US CDC, in
the context of providing a means of tracking achievement
of the Healthy People 2000 objectives, has proposed
a list of 18 population health indicators, mostly mortality
based. To guide the community health improvement process,
an Institute of Medicine (IOM) panel on Improving Health
in the Community, selected a set of 25 indicators to
constitute a community health profile. Many of these
lists appear to confound community health and its determinants.
The Evans and Stoddart framework can sort these out.
H. Slater, M.D., Associate Professor, Health Services
Organization University of Texas School of Public
Health Houston, TX Phone:(713)500-9183 FAX:(713)500-9171.
Email: [email protected]