the software is installed, you will be able to view
the maps and request statistical data. The maps are
very detailed. You may experience some delays as information
(5MB file) is transferred to you, especially if you
are using a telephone line and modem. We believe your
patience will be rewarded. If at any time you experience
problems and need assistance, let us know by contacting
our "Help Desk" at the email address and/or phone number
shown below.
Data - (special plug-in is required to
view data - see 1 & 2 above) Includes polulation by
age, race/ethnicity, income, and education. Data are
available at county, census tract and super neighborhood
(City of Houston only) levels. levels.
Data -(special plug-in is required to
view data - see 1 & 2 above) Includes births by birth
weight, race/ethnicity, mother's age and education,
and prenatal care. Data are available at the census
tract level.
Data - (special plug-in is required to
view data - see 1 & 2 above) Includes deaths by age,
race/ethnicity, gender, and cause. Data are available
at the census tract level.
you have any questions or need assistance with the viewer
plug-in, please contact the Mapping
Project Help Desk or call 713-500-9387.