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Research Partnerships

Partnership and collaboration is at the core of the Charities' research programs. The Charities has evolved from single-neighborhood studies to multi-county studies via partnerships with area providers, academic institutions and communities. The Charities percentage of external funding dollars has steadily increased. In addition, both large and small philanthropic organizations, including the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the California Endowment, and the Aspen Institute, have begun providing substantial support for community-based participatory research, signaling a new funding trend for the kind of research the Charities does.

The amount of external funding the Charities has received has grown from a few thousand dollars a year since 1997, to a 2010 cumulative total of $1,294,150. 

Through research-informed grantmaking to Texas nonprofits, St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities, a separate component of St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System, improves community health and reduces health disparities.  Our Center for Community-Based Research is dedicated to community-based participatory research practices that foster informed action, collaboration and empowerment for the medically underserved and other vulnerable populations.

© 2012  St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities