Community Health Information System

The Community Health Information System (CHIS) is a web-based, interactive, community health data repository developed for St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities by the Center for Health Policy Studies (CHAMPS) at The University of Texas School of Public Health.

The CHIS provides individuals, groups, organizations and communities with a geographically oriented database to use in evaluating community health status within the 57–county Diocese of Texas, developing action plans, and monitoring results.

The Community Health Report Card shows how counties within the Diocese rank relative to one another on over 40 indicators that characterize community health-related resources and assets, physical health status, physical environment, and social environment.

The Child Well-Being Index and the Community Well-Being Index maps identify priority geographic areas of populations at risk in order to more effectively target programmatic interventions. These indices, composed of population characteristics such as household income and child poverty, suggest a preliminary diagnostic of community health status.

 Interactive Mapping allows users to define their own area of interest by census tract and access population health data for the designated area.

The Reports Section includes topical reports such as Maternal Child Health in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (1999) and executive summary reports on communities within the Diocese of Texas.