Policymakers & Researchers

You can use our maps to identify other preschool providers in your area. These providers may be potential partners to share in costs such as training, education and materials.

First Time Users:
A free Autodesk MapGuideŽ Viewer (1.3 MB) will be automatically downloaded to your computer. If you experience difficulty with the automatic download, click here.

Just choose a zip code, school district, or Head Start area to examine the preschool providers and schools in the region. Once the map appears on the next page, you can "turn on" or "turn off" child care programs, prekindergarten programs, and Head Start programs by clicking on the links. Then, just rollover the symbols on the map to obtain contact information that you can use to contact the preschool provider and see if they may be interested in partnering.

Additionally, you can "turn on" or "turn off" demographic statistics from the 2000 Census to determine if you are in an area that serves your target population. Just click on the demographic links on the right side of the page to see which zip codes or census tracts have young children with the demographic characteristics of your target population.

Search by zip code:
Search by Independent School District (ISD):
Search by Head Start Region:

If you recognize that information for your program is incorrect, we apologize. Please contact us to make sure we get it right.

Preschool for ALL is dedicated to making certain that these partnerships work to help our children develop and strengthen all preschool providers. If you have any questions about such partnerships, please contact Alice Fite of Preschool for ALL at (713) 572-2211. The National Child Care Information Center, through its QUILT Project, is also an excellent resource for those preschool providers interested in examining the formation of partnerships in preschool education.

Autodesk MapGuideŽ Viewer Downloads:
If you experienced difficulty with the automatic download, manually download and install the appropriate viewer as follows: If you are using Microsoft Internet ExplorerŽ, click here. If you are using NetscapeŽ, click here. You may be asked to restart your computer.
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PRESCHOOL FOR ALL: 3800 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77098    Phone: 713.600.1198   Fax:713.600.1298