
Accomplishments - By focusing resources on community-based programs serving the health needs of the indigent and medically underserved, St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities (SLEHC) has had a significant community impact through its philanthropic giving.

  • Since its inception in March 1997, SLEHC has invested a total of $33 million in 375 community-based programs. About seventy five percent of these grants support health programs in the greater Houston area, with the remaining going to programs throughout the Diocese of Texas. In addition to the greater Houston area, organizations were funded in Crockett, Beaumont, Freeport, Lufkin, Waco, Austin, Tyler and in Brazos, Fort Bend, Galveston, Matagorda, Waller and Washington Counties.

Early Focus on Health and Well Being of Children

  • 159 grants totaling $13.7 million have been awarded to date for children and families, accounting for 41% of grants made. Programs include perinatal support, dental services, after school programs, adolescent clinics, immunization initiatives, childcare services, school-based health clinics and mental health services.
  • SLEHC has published and includes on its website, special reports on the status of Maternal and Child Health in the Diocese and a unique "index of child well-being" for counties and communities across the Diocese of Texas.

SLEHC has also identified several additional areas of focus:

  • End of Life Issues
  • Homelessness
  • Mobile Health Services
  • Congregational Health Ministries

Through its innovative Needs Assessment process, SLEHC has also created the Community Health Information System (CHIS) an online interactive resource of both quantitative and qualitative information about the 57-counties making up the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. It currently contains extensive information such as population statistics (census, ethnicity, sex, births, deaths) and community resources (churches, hospitals, medical professionals, public parks, schools). Also, CHIS features the Community Health Report Card. The report cards contain rankings by social, physical, health and resource indicators in a graphical format by county. Comparisons can be made among all 57 counties, with state and national comparisons for each indicator.

Key Initiatives

SLEHC has also sought consultation from all the mobile health service providers in the Greater Houston Area to form the Greater Houston Mobile Health Forum (MHF). In addition, the East End Healthy Children Collaborative is a partnership of eight individual agencies working together to target children 0-18 who live in the East End community of Houston, Texas.