St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities (SLEHC), the largest faith-based philanthropic organization in Houston focused on health and health-related activities, supports activities in the 57 east Texas counties of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

In 1999, SLEHC received the National Philanthropy Day Outstanding Foundation Award by the National Society of Fundraising Executives, Greater Houston Chapter. SLEHC, created in 1977 as a separate component of St. Luke's Episcopal Health System, identifies areas of greatest need and funds promising programs to meet those needs as well as initiates efforts to impact those priority needs. Priority areas are identified as: children, mobile health services, congregational health ministries, homelessness and end of life issues.

As part of the ongoing process to fund healthcare projects, SLEHC through its innovative Needs Assessment process created the Community Health Information System (CHIS) website, an on-line, interactive resource of both quantitative and qualitative information about the 57-county Diocese of Texas.

The values of SLEHC are consistent with its role as the area's largest faith-based charity: The Whole Person: Body, Mind & Spirit; The Whole Community; Wellness; Informed Action; Collaboration and Empowerment.

The funds to support the activities of SLEHC come from several sources. These include:

  • An annual investment income (net inflation) from an initial $150 million Designated Principal, held by the St. Luke's Episcopal Foundation
  • Gifts and donations from individuals and external organizations.

A board of 20 directors governs SLEHC and its operations are facilitated through four standing committees: Needs Assessment, Grant Evaluation, Spirituality and Healthcare Philanthropy. The board sets policies and procedures to ensure the efficient and appropriate distribution of funds in accordance with community needs. SLEHC mission and Texas law.