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GrantsToolkitCommunity Health InformationHealthy Neighborhood InitiativesCommunity-Wide InitiativesCenter of Excellence in Community Based Research
Evaluation Tools

Evaluation Guidelines (Microsoft Word 2000)

Annual Report Form (Required) (Microsoft Word 2000)

Operations Profile (Required) (Microsoft Excel 2000)

Financial Update Report/Budget Format (Example Only) (Microsoft Word 2000)

Spirituality Essay (Requested but not Required) (Microsoft Word 2000)

Measurable Goals (Examples Only) (Microsoft Word 2000)

Sample Measures and Tracking Tools - These tools are to be used to identify appropriate measures for your project and to capture and report on those measures for the life of the project.


Grant Evaluation Video

View a multimedia overview of the grant evaluation guidelines utilized by St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities. (Approximate size 5 KB). Download Macromedia Flash PlayerŽ.

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This site last updated May 6, 2007