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The University of Texas Dental Branch and
Episcopal Health Charities Houston
Community Dental Van


Description of the Organization
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Dental Branch is a public professional school with a unique heritage and an unparalleled set of environmental advantages. The Dental Branch was founded in 1905 as the first dental school in Texas, and as such has a long and proud tradition of educating quality oral health care professionals. The Dental Branch is one of the cornerstones of excellence that contributes to the strengths of the UT Health Science Center at Houston by offering an excellent clinical education in an established research climate. The Dental Branch focuses on optimizing its strategic strengths with the realization that it is well-positioned to take a leading role in oral health education and research.


The primary purpose of the Dental Branch is the education of competent oral health care professionals for the State of Texas. In pursuit of excellence, the School focuses major energies on its students as it teaches the basic and clinical sciences along with professional and ethical standards in an environment of collegiality. The scholarship of discovery, teaching, integration, and application are high priorities and valued activities. In particular, the scholarship of discovery is inextricably woven into the fabric of the School with emphasis on establishing interdisciplinary projects and securing additional outside funding. Patient care and service are particular strengths of the Dental Branch as the School builds on over 100 years of service to community. Centrally located in Houston, the Dental Branch is committed to its role as one of the primary sources of affordable oral health care to the people of Southeastern Texas. Emphasis is on providing timely, high-quality, comprehensive oral health care with humanitarian concern for the total patient. In fulfilling its role of service to the profession, the Dental Branch remains an important local, regional, and national resource for the transfer of new knowledge, improved techniques and new technology through its continuing education programs, through the consultative services of its expert faculty, and through contributions to the clinical literature.

Contact:   Tracey M. Godwin, DDS
Director, Mobile Dental Van
Address: University of Texas Dental Branch
6516 MD Anderson Blvd
Houston, TX 77030
E-Mail: [email protected]
Languages Spoken: English/Spanish
Services: General Oral Health Assessments
Oral Cancer Screenings
Dental sealants
Dental prophylaxis (cleanings)
Dental radiographs (x-rays)
Dental restorations
Dental extractions
Education About: Oral Health
Oral Cancer Prevention
Types of Medical Referrals: Medical Evaluation
Dental Specialties
Patient Assistance: To be determined
Staff: Dentist
Dental residents/students
Dental assistant
Dental hygienist
Further Information About this Unit
Area Served: Greater Houston, East Texas counties served by ETHAN
Population Served: Indigent, Homeless, Medically Underserved
Age Group: All ages
Ethnicity: Multi-Ethnic
Frequency of Service: Monday - Friday
Estimated Clients served annually: 2000 - 2500
Months Unit Operates: Year Round
How long they have operated: January 2003
Fee: Site Specific
Collaborates with others: Yes

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This site last updated September 2, 2009