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Spirituality and Community Health

St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities (SLEHC) is deeply interested in how spirituality contributes to individual and community health. The Charities enthusiastically embraced the challenge to define this elusive concept and has incorporated its meaning into all we do, as shown by our credo:

Advancing Community Health: Body, Mind and Spirit

Definition of Spirituality

We recognize each person as a child of God and believe that through grace and the gifts of body, mind and spirit, each person has the potential for wholeness --- a unique combination of physical, mental, and spiritual health that makes possible: A sense of meaning and purpose; Loving relationships with others; and Responsible actions.

The Charities also seeks to enhance community health status in body, mind and spirit through programs and partnerships with faith organizations (churches and other community health and/or human service organizations). Examples include:

  • Center for Faith and Health Initiatives - develops faith and health initiatives and coordinates resources to create healing communities.
  • The Community of Hope at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital - trains hospital and church-based lay chaplains who bring healing ministries to individuals and groups in need.

To explore and document the many dimensions and manifestations of spirituality and health in our community we asked all grantees to share stories or insights regarding the relationship of spirituality and health. These Stories of Hope feed the soul and help demonstrate how essential a healthy spirit is to overall health and well being.


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