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The Academy

The Academy Curriculum

The Academy is a training curriculum developed through the Center for Community-Based Research and designed to turn community members into community researchers. Each training is based in a real research project and the research happens in the participants’ community, in partnership with experienced researchers. Participants learn the language and skills of research that enable them to represent their communities in research partnerships that can lead to better health outcomes.

When the Academy began, the curriculum was taught by the Charities’ Community Research Team. Now, the curriculum is taught by the Community Faculty, a team of experienced community researchers who have worked on a number of research projects, across the area’s most underserved communities, recruiting and training other teams, gathering and analyzing data, and designing and implementing dissemination plans. 

The Academy has partnered with the City of Houston, The University of Texas, the University of Texas Medical Branch, and others on projects funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Komen for the Cure, and other local and national funders. Increasingly, local, community-based knowledge is helping to build healthier communities. Learn more about our collaborations.

Through research-informed grantmaking to Texas nonprofits, St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities, a separate component of St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System, improves community health and reduces health disparities.  Our Center for Community-Based Research is dedicated to community-based participatory research practices that foster informed action, collaboration and empowerment for the medically underserved and other vulnerable populations.

© 2012  St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities